
Presenting bootstrap studio
Presenting bootstrap studio

  • Why the link to template toaster website at the bottom?.
  • presenting bootstrap studio

    Map link should open to Google maps (or some other map app.) Consider embedding an actual map on desktop site.This wastes bandwidth and slows down page load. There are numerous images with excessively large native resolutions (meet our staff, teacher images, icon images under kids activities, etc…) You’re reducing the sizes with CSS.Emails should also be tappable to open email clients on mobile devices Exposed plain-text email addresses invite spam.phone numbers should be links so you can tap to dial on mobile devices.The word “teacher” is misspelled in your navigation, and it’s spelled wrong in other places (“teach” instead of “teacher”).On the About Us page, the “back to top” pencil graphic has been enlarged for some reason, making it cover the phone number and email address in the footer.on the Contact page) because you’re shrinking 512px x 512px images down to 100px x 100px. There are other icons on the site that would probably be better as SVG images (ex. I’d consider making this logo an SVG image to avoid such problems.

    presenting bootstrap studio

  • The ABC preschool logo is blurry at tablet and mobile sizes because it’s being enlarged beyond its native resolution by the CSS.
  • presenting bootstrap studio

    I’d consider a fade between these images as opposed to an abrupt change. You also can’t really read the gray text when the second image loads. The text in your home page slider is getting truncated and there are margin/padding issues at mobile screen size.

  • There are layout issues and readability issues.
  • Hope this doesn’t come off as harsh, but a quick look reveals quite a large number of problems that need to be addressed…

    Presenting bootstrap studio